Tuesday, March 22, 2011


As I am writing this blog post I am listening to Zack's funeral program.  My heart is breaking and I am given courage again to keep this blog going despite all that is happening in our family right now.  Hopefully my future thoughts and stories from our family and other families will help someone heal and find HOPE!
As Zack's brother was reading from Zack's journal at his funeral I came to understand the bondage one has with drug addiction.  He had many goals that he wanted to fulfill but when asked why he didn't fulfill these dreams and change and let go of the bondage of addiction, Zack's respond was:
I'm scared of what is ahead and fear what can happen to me.
Prescription drug abuse left him feeling worthless and fearful of the good, happiness, and the things he could accomplish if he let go of his bondage that had a tight grip on him.  He had lived in this bondage for almost 16 years and didn't know how to let go. 
Elder Alan Webb spoke at Zack funeral and I would like to share some of his thoughts. 
- The Savior came to a family to teach him what he needed to know to fulfill his mission on earth.  The Savior came to humble, ordinary
young mother and father.
If the Savior had such an important and critical mission then why wasn't he send to another place; to a Rabi, to an educator, to a wealthy family?  No he was sent to a home that taught him everthing he needed to learn to fulfill his purpose on earth.  Heavenly Father sent him to a family that would help him fulfill his purpose.  We as humans can gain more education outside of our families for jobs, or other endevors, but the most important things we learn in this life happen in families that we are send to.  We learn how to deal with challenges in families...some of these challenges are physical, some are the form of a disease, mental difecncies, cancer, emotional challenges, etc.  Everyone has challenges of some form. 
All experienes we have to learn....challenges...aren't fair but the fact is whatever are challenges are it is a gift from a loving Heavenly Father who is here to us  gain the experiences we need.
Zack challenge was addiction that started in early adult. 
Heavenly Father knew what Zack's challenges would be and sent him to a family to help him and teach him all he needed to know. 
I know families are important and I am thankful for my family!

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