Someday this blog will reach more people than it already does.
Someday this blog will hopefully help a family who needs help and will lead them to that help.
Someday doctors, government, parents, youth, educators, etc. will realize there is a problem with 400% increase in prescription drug deaths in Utah and that something needs to be done NOW!
Someday I will have a bigger voice, the time, the skills, and the means to make a difference.
Someday this dream of a foundation will come true.
Right now that someday is not today.
The foundation has been put on hold. I am sad about this and was excited at the possibility of helping other families so they would not have to go through what our family is going through. To save them from the heartache, anger, frustration, misunderstanding, arguements, death, enabling, etc. that has happened in our family. But due to all these emotions that have stemmed from years and years of drug abuse in our family we now have to deal with them to hopefully get this family together again.
That is why this foundation is on hold.
We have to focus on letting go of past hurt,
grieve for our lost brother, son, uncle, and friend,
and mend broken relationships.
This may take months and it may take years,
That is why this foundation is on hold.
We have to focus on letting go of past hurt,
grieve for our lost brother, son, uncle, and friend,
and mend broken relationships.
This may take months and it may take years,
who knows.
I want so badly to make a difference in the world, to save someone else from this, but right now I have to have patients and focus on my family.
I will continue to post blogs to this site and share information that I learn that might be a help to others who need that help. My sister-in-law and I will be helping others in the community where we can with events.
I will also be sharing my husband's story as he is ready to share it with others and can remember most of it.
(He lost a lot of memory functions with his overdose and coma)
These posts will be for our memory and hopefully to remember our journey through to where we are now to where we can get.
Thank you all for your support from those who have helped us.
We love you all and please continue to visit this blog.
...let's put an end to all of our doubt....