We feel this cause to bring to "lite" prescription drug abuse is moving forward. Please understand we are new at this. This family has been battling with this for many years and we are now just trying to share it with others and hopefully help others, especially families. Prescription drug abuse doesn't just affect the one abusing but their family and friends. There are many websites out there to help you find the help you may need. Please visit our website page and our support group page.
And if you have anyone you have lost and would like to share your story please do on our memorial page. Through sharing our pain we can hopefully help each other.
We are in the works of creating a web page. Hopefully this will help us get the word out to more people.
If any of you can help us keep moving this foundation forward please help. Again we are new with this and together we can help others.
Thank you!
This is a great way to help the public. I appreciate the time YOU here @LITES ON are dedicating to HOPE & RECOVERY! A small step that will have a huge rippling effect. THANKS~