Thursday, April 14, 2011

Part 3...

Rock's mom reminded me that he had over 20 strokes and 2 heart attacks during his overdose and coma.  Really I think his mom would be more adequet to tell his story as she was with him during it but I have tried to do my best.  He was in therapy learning how to live again.  Rock would go out side in the front lawn and practice his fly fishing casting over and over again to try and retrain him self how to do it.  He is an avid fly fisherman.  It took him about a year and then he was called on a service mission for the LDS church working at the Storehouse in Lindon. 
Rock sometimes wonders why he was spared and is totally grateful that he was.  He does not take a day he is alive for granted.  He doesn't hold grudges towards anyone even if they have done him wrong or hurt his feelings in anyway.  He smiles a lot and often people will comment on his smiling so much.  He honestly looks at the positive in all situations. He reminds me daily to be grateful for this life I am living despite the trials that we face.
But I am also reminded that just because his life was spared doesn't mean he hasn't reaped the consequences of his past decisions to abuse perscription drugs.  Every decision comes with consequences.  He still struggles with short term memory loss.  I know we all have those moments of forgetfulness but this goes beyond that.  It can be frustrating to a wife.  It has also been a financial burden with all his past decision that have caused financial obligations that weren't taken care of before his coma.  These have come back and we now have to take care of them while trying to raise and provide for a family.
I did not know Rock before his coma or after while going through therapy.  I have seen pictures that Rock didn't want me to see and I was shocked.  He was on death's door.  But still I haven't seen the progress.  People point it out to me all the time how far he has come.  I guess I just expect too much from him.  I don't realize sometimes his limitations, but to be honest I think he is slowly overcoming all his limitations!
I am grateful that Rock was spared.  He is a great father and husband.  Our first date he was completely honest with me about his drug use, coma, limitations, etc.  and to be honest I was a little hesitant about a second date.  With out going into too much detail it was the help of my Heavenly Father after many prayers and months of soul searching that help me reach the decision to marry Rock.  It hasn't been easy and I have learned that I made the decision to marry him and with that I agreed to all the happiness I can have with him.  But that happiness is laced with trials and hard times.  Rock never hid who he was and what he did in his past which I appreciated but after saying "I DO" things came up that neither he or I expected, but it has just helped our relationship.
He has had many wonderful friends and family who support him and our family! 


  1. I have appreciated YOURs & ROCK's willingness to share HIS story...really now it is both of your story...and it will continue to have it's UPs & DOWNS like any are lucky to be married to a man who is in my opinion the only adult I know who is without guile...and that came with a price...but his mission on earth was not complete, he begged God for another chance to come back, and make a difference...with limitations, I believe he is doing that. He has YOU, Mack & Gunnar...and he is sharing his inner "twinkle" through that dazzling smile of his...and gut felt laugh.

  2. Shanie.. Truly I cried when I read this. I get it, I get you. Sometimes it's so hard to describe the anger, pain, hurt, and residual effects of abuse. It's a slow death if not battled. Sharing your story is your fight to understand, forgive, and love. Don't feel guilty for being honest, repressing it only makes it harder, believe me I know.

  3. Never, ever forget that TRIALS, are what defines US. Stand Tall and say BRING IT ON!
